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Video Typing Services

© 2024   Terms & Policy

If you have been watching our videos for a long time, and have always thought about getting typed, now is a great time.  In 2024 we had some major upgrades to our understanding of these coins and how to identify them. Most people are looking at the surface level actions to try and type themselves.  They sound something like, "I do this, and I don't do that, therefore I must be this type/coin."  The problem is, people are adaptable and everyone can do everything.  We are far more alike than we are different.  So how would you ever know what type you are?

We got a boost in typing results when we flipped it and started asking better questions like, "What is this person NOT saying?  What are they NOT afraid of that most others are?  What voids are others having to fill in their life?" Where everyone goes wrong with typing is they are looking at themselves and their perspective.  The magic is looking at a person on a spectrum of thousands of others.  For example, if you see yourself as a Feeler (or whatever coin) you then have to look at thousands of others and be able to measure that you are in fact seeing the value in something first and then doing the work (Thinking) second compared to half the population.

The best analogy that I use to picture this is like a kid who says their car is "fast".  Their car is just an average Toyota Corolla and they have not invested the thousands of hours in studying the spectrum of cars.  Sure, their Corolla is "fast" (to them) but is not objectively in the top 60% of fast cars on the spectrum.  This is what you are coming to us for.  Not only does this service show you your blindspots and Demons, but also shows you where you are ahead of the curve.  The trick then becomes using your strengths to see and grow in your weak areas. This is what's covered in your Profile and personal audio that comes with your typing results.

If you want to get typed, don't wait much longer as we aren't going to have this service so readily available forever.  It takes us about 4 hours on average per client and we just won't have the time to get to everyone.  So feel free to send us a "non-perfect" video.


We have nearly a 90% consistency rate with typing, though we do occasionally get results that may feel off.  Part of this service includes support, so if one or more of the coins are not settling with you, please email us We want to make sure you feel settled with your typing results.



Minimum age is 18 years old.  We are not trained medical professionals of any kind, these are only our observations and insights at this time.  By using our website and/or services you are agreeing to our Terms and Policies.



We understand that what you are sharing in your video is very personal information.  We will not share your personal information or video with the public. 


No Refunds   

You are paying for our time and opinion.  We are not guaranteeing that we can get or prove all of your coins.


If you have been typed by us before, or just have some type-related questions


Social Type

Official Profile



Video Typing

If you have never been typed by us before, this is where to go

Results in 14-30 days  

Audio from Dave

Official Profile


Video Typing

If you'd like your results right away as well as some extra one on one time

Results in 5 days or less

30m call with Dave

Official Profile


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